Marvelous weather, a nice breeze with low 80s°F. Glad for no rain. Continue reading “Garden Growth–7th July, 2019”
Tag: summer
Garden Growth–4th July, 2019
Somehow my brain remembered to pull up the month o’ posts from last year, and WOW…suddenly I realized exactly how far behind I am in finishing just about any type of post lately, compared to last. Sadly, not just this month. I’ll keep trying to do better. Continue reading “Garden Growth–4th July, 2019”
July 4th, 2019–Office Window View
August passed, and now September progress, 2018
I have a few balls I’ve dropped, most of which I haven’t talked about much here. This week I hope to go back over my still in draft form posts and finishing up those before it gets too close to fall. Continue reading “August passed, and now September progress, 2018”
Site Change: Added new pic to “Friends?” – taken Friday
I finally remembered to take another pic of the view across the rear yard for my Friends? page last Friday. Then I forgot to post it.
This weekend has been rough, for reasons good and bad I’ll post about as time permits.
Notices given on this rainy Friday night
I am sleep deprived between staying up all night for yesterday’s two monarch butterflies, not being able to fall asleep later until that late night, and then again further when my partner woke me up at 6am to let me know the next two were well on their way out too. I hope to write about today tomorrow afternoon or so after some more sleep.
I also have a pumpkin update I will post about sometime this weekend.
Possibly some other pictures too.
Guardianship update: 16th August 2018 #1
This week has been all sorts of lessons. The chrysalis I first noticed the faintest bits of orange through the green is still developing, but sometime in the last six hours, two nearby rapidly changed to the image below, which is the best shot I could manage at this hour.
Elders Kissing in the Glade
Why didn’t I think of this sooner…skunk.
After I had checked on the monarchs, I went to roll up the shade on my office window, and immediately was grateful the window was closed. Continue reading “Why didn’t I think of this sooner…skunk.”