Posted in Creatures, Oh noes!

We need a dust bath decoy

I am an idiot.  Of all the things to forget about with gardening, I forgot about sparrows and dust baths (aka sand baths).

If you don’t know about this habit, the crazy almost rolling popping they do in such cases is them trying to fluff their feathers out to get the dust as near to their skin as possible.  The dust on their skin helps act as a deterrent to pests that would live there and annoy and possibly sicken the birds.

So if you see something like that, the bird hasn’t gone mad.  A cluster of them fluffing and flinging doesn’t mean they are a performance group.  It’s just self care. Continue reading “We need a dust bath decoy”

Posted in Behind the Scenes, Creatures

A Tale of Two Cameras

I currently have two digital cameras.  One is cheap and terrible at close ups.  The other is good for its time, but now would be considered old.  The older one is finicky, and often won’t save data properly.  I have not yet had time to see if I can get it fixed.  I also, at this time, cannot afford a new camera (and, no, I do not own a cell phone that can take pictures). Continue reading “A Tale of Two Cameras”

Posted in Creatures

April 13th yard visitors

I am going to start a series to share the various creatures that appear in our yard.  Some stay, some are regulars, and some might never be seen more than once.

I need to clean the windows.
The blurb in the upper right is the possible starling.

While putting the kettle on for tea, I noticed what might be a starling in our backyard, and ran for the camera.

It was soon joined by two others.  Realizing the shots might be terrible through the not the cleanest windows, I tried to step Continue reading “April 13th yard visitors”