Waterworks unturned

A fickle weather report resulted in arid night soil.  Despite the humidity, I know the kitchen garden’s thirst is likely as strong as my desire to grab a flashlight and go outside to fill the can and do what would have been done had I checked again earlier and saw the cloud shift.

How can I expect them to survive, these children I one day hope to eat like Cronos did his own?  I feel as cruel as he, though my planned timeline for their demise is longer than he gave his own.  Yet I have greater fear of even the whiff of the skunks I know wander through at night than I fear for their health and wellbeing.

Hold fast, young plants!  Water will come to you with the dawn.  Forgive this terrible mother, and don’t let one night’s scarcity stem your growing selves.

(Yes, I know my brain heads in odd directions sometimes.  Other times, my thinking seems to take a more even path, too.)

Posted in Progress

Watering, snipping grass, neglected compost and old foe skeletons

I did manage to get some time outside yesterday to do more than a round of watering.  Compared to last year, I’m consistently using three “can fills” per water from the rain barrel so far, where last year we barely needed just the one.  Most of that is due to the kitchen garden related plants, as well as trying to encourage some perennials that didn’t overwinter very well.  We haven’t been able to pick up the new rain barrel we paid for, but will when schedules align.  We haven’t needed it yet, so I’m not agonizing over the lack of pickup,  if it matters.

Note the two flying insect "shadows" you can see near the one cluster of fruit growing. I didn't even realize they'd made the shot.
Some of our plants have names (we’re odd). Shoobie, our northern highbush blueberry, was two years old when introduced last year, and this year’s crop is looking good for a three year old.

Continue reading “Watering, snipping grass, neglected compost and old foe skeletons”

Posted in Plants, Progress

Speaking of regrading…

That is one of the reasons I have been so antsy now about the weather.   The more spring showers we get, the more I realize what regrading I did manage to get to last year did help.  At the same time, I want to finish what I started in other areas.

As can happen, although I had a clear plan in mind about how I would go about the regrade process, sometimes there’s that one thought or question in the back of your mind that just won’t die until it gets satisfied.

Not fun to move!
A section of the old concrete splash guard slabs that were meant to prevent erosion since the house lacks gutters on three sides.  This portion is in better shape than most of it.

Continue reading “Speaking of regrading…”