Posted in Indoor Musings

Really? Those are easy to grow!

When our soybeans failed to even break ground this year, it never occurred to me to go back and ask for a chat with the person that had told me before I’d planted them, “They’re so easy to grow!”  I never thought to ask questions that might help me learn even one of the possible differences between gardens.  We just blamed ourselves.  I assumed it was critters because of all the disturbance we’d had in the soil, my partner blamed his black thumb since he was the one that put the seeds in the ground.  Today, I had the ah-ha moment, which led to my writing this. Continue reading “Really? Those are easy to grow!”

Posted in Behind the Scenes, Indoor Musings

A day without rain! Whatever shall I do?

Today there is no rain scheduled until 9pm.  We’ll see how that turns out.  What I need to do is pick three possible things that take a while to possibly focus on, just in case when the sun comes up it looks like that forecast holds water.  (Yes.  Terrible pun.  Have I mentioned I love puns here yet?) Continue reading “A day without rain! Whatever shall I do?”