Posted in Behind the Scenes, Indoor Musings

Hoo boys–first frost possibly earlier?

My partner is home and among other topics we discussed, one was first frost date for this year.  My printed copy of 2018 Farmer’s Almanac had Worcester as the closest city listed, and that was said to be happening on October 19th which I just recently added to our planting page.  (Which I will note the change on after I post this.) Continue reading “Hoo boys–first frost possibly earlier?”

Weather predictions and reality…

The weather predictors have been swearing for days it will rain doom upon us, and we were lucky to get a brief shower once per day.    We had some boomers yesterday eve, but same brief shower.

Twice now in the last half hour, we’ve had showers, boomers starting.  Maybe today’s the day?

Ooooo…I think I hear what sounds to be steady rain.  Finally?

Posted in Creatures

A short tale of Damsels and Dragons

Despite knowing that Gardner has many wetlands, ponds and waterways, because we don’t really see any of it from even the upper story of our home, you wouldn’t consider our home sited terribly near any of them.  Yet if you look at one map that shows various water features, there’s quite a bit in our portion of the Greater Gardner Area, especially wetlands to the south and west.

We're in that area marked
The light blue patterned bits demarcate wetlands.  We live near Greenwood Hill.

Continue reading “A short tale of Damsels and Dragons”

Waterworks unturned

A fickle weather report resulted in arid night soil.  Despite the humidity, I know the kitchen garden’s thirst is likely as strong as my desire to grab a flashlight and go outside to fill the can and do what would have been done had I checked again earlier and saw the cloud shift.

How can I expect them to survive, these children I one day hope to eat like Cronos did his own?  I feel as cruel as he, though my planned timeline for their demise is longer than he gave his own.  Yet I have greater fear of even the whiff of the skunks I know wander through at night than I fear for their health and wellbeing.

Hold fast, young plants!  Water will come to you with the dawn.  Forgive this terrible mother, and don’t let one night’s scarcity stem your growing selves.

(Yes, I know my brain heads in odd directions sometimes.  Other times, my thinking seems to take a more even path, too.)

Posted in Behind the Scenes, Indoor Musings, Notes to Future Me

Why I like keeping garden records

Courtesy Notice: This is another of my long rambling posts.

The short answer: handy reference because my memory isn’t perfect.

The long one with history and how I arrived at my present record keeping status:
As I’ve mentioned before, last year was our first year here at Beebe, and I knew things would be a bit nuts.  (Beebe is what we call our house–it’s a beekeeper surname reference since we like bees even though we don’t have the name in our ancestry that we know of, and don’t actively keep them other than try to provide plenty of food to encourage them to be here.) Continue reading “Why I like keeping garden records”