Bought two plant seeds this week, black eyed susans and bachelor buttons. I did manage to get them in a planter for the time being. I’m still wary of the squirrels, though the susan seeds are so tiny they can’t possibly want to steal those, right? I’m going to try stagger sowing them a bit, though not by much because the start is already pretty darn late this year. (Hullo, June!) So I only did some of each to start. Continue reading “Update on growing bits and seeds — second week of June ’18”→
I have read about spreading out sowing times so not everything is needing harvesting all at once. I’m also concerned about the Acorn Bomber Brigade making short work of some of the seeds. I can’t wait too long for round two. I know because I recall the sunflowers sown way too late last year that never had a chance. Our growing season is only so long, after all. Continue reading “Starting with a few seeds at a time”→
Despite how little I have managed to get done in the last week and change, I am still determined to press forward however I can. Seems obvious, right? If you stop, things will really get out of hand, and more work for later, which no one wants.
Fortunately for me, the only things I’m worried about killing are all the starter kitchen plants that haven’t made it into the ground yet.
The good news is that a lot is growing just fine on its own, and no thanks to my efforts except in a few cases where I rescued a few things from various less than ideal situations. Continue reading “Never give up! Never surrender!”→
I’ve been doing a bit of a dance of late trying to work around rain. This is partly because we not only have a lot more dandelions that cropped up this year, but they are starting to seed like crazy.
I’ll be putting in some Knight peas in that bed with the small wire frame later today. Rain’s been holding up bed progress.
That is one of the reasons I have been so antsy now about the weather. The more spring showers we get, the more I realize what regrading I did manage to get to last year did help. At the same time, I want to finish what I started in other areas.
As can happen, although I had a clear plan in mind about how I would go about the regrade process, sometimes there’s that one thought or question in the back of your mind that just won’t die until it gets satisfied.
A section of the old concrete splash guard slabs that were meant to prevent erosion since the house lacks gutters on three sides. This portion is in better shape than most of it.