2020 Site Change Plans, January edition

During the 2018-19 off season of gardening, I had inside projects to do, and lost time being the kind of sick where you mostly do what must be done rather than what you’d maybe prefer to spend time on doing.

I had higher hopes as this season’s off time arrived, and then my partner got hit with a heavier workload which meant I had to cover more than usual.  That’s eased off, so I’m now trying to at least knock off some of my To Do list (which is awesome to behold). Continue reading “2020 Site Change Plans, January edition”

Posted in Behind the Scenes, Indoor Musings, Progress

Narrowing down a pile of dreams.

Courtesy Notice: This is another of my long rambling posts.

I don’t know about other folks, but in winter when I can do little on the grounds outside, my imagination runs wild with plans and ideas for our gardens.  This has been especially true as the first year here falls further into the past, and my brain is harried by all we didn’t get done the year before. Continue reading “Narrowing down a pile of dreams.”